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Lab 6 Part 2

Lab 6 Part 2

Q Unknown Lab Report- Lab 13 • Points 20 • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload For your Unknown Lab, include the following information: ±Include drawings of your gram-negative unknown bacteria on all three plates: TSA, MacConkey, and EMB. Make sure to describe colony morphology, including color and colony size. ±Draw cell morphology and include cell size ±Write an overview of each biochemical test and what your test results were. ±Prepare a table that includes your observations and interpretations for each test. ±Draw pictures for each test. ±Write a conclusion section that explains your choice and discusses any inconsistent results. ±Research your unknown bacteria and include a paragraph about it. ±Include the summary sheet.

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Enterobacter is a gram-negative , oxidised-negative , catalase-positive , citrate-positive and rod-shaped. The Enterobacter comes from the Greek word enteron , which means intestine . Therefore Enterobacter is commonly found in the intestine of the animal . Furthermore the bacteria can survive in aerobic and anaerobic environment ; hence they are classified as facultative species . The bacteria use peritrichous flagella for their motility .